
Architectural design

Without the correct professional advice, Planning Permission can be a minefield.

Questions such as ‘Do I need permission?’, ‘What is the best form of permission?’ and ‘What is the best route to gaining a full grant of planning consent?’ are common. JAT-Surv aim to guide you through the planning process from an initial meeting, to achieving a grant of consent for a scheme that fits both your brief and your budget.

Using the latest architectural software packages, we offer design services to both residential and commercial clients. Whether you are interested in a small rear extension, a bespoke new build or simply some internal alterations to your existing layout, we will be able to guide you through the process from inception to completion.


Due to our vast experience in dealing with council planning departments, we have a highly developed understanding of planning policies and what is likely to be granted. We have a very high success rate for ‘first time approvals’ based on this knowledge.

JAT-Surv operate a 5-stage plan to map out the journey and simplify the process, see below.

  • Stage 1
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5


Meeting with the Client and understanding the requirements, budget and time frame. There is no fee for this stage and we look to issue our fee quote within 24 hours of the meeting.

Schematic Design

Completion of a measured survey of the existing property and grounds, and formation of initial plans and schematic drawings for further discussion with the Client.

Final Design

Fine tuning the plans taking into consideration the Clients variations from stage 2. Formal submission to the Local Authority for approval and acting as your ‘Agent’ through the planning process.

Technical Design

Once a grant of consent has been obtained, the Building Regulation issue plans can be completed. This set of drawings are the ‘nuts and bolts’ of the build, which will enable you to get quotes from building contractors, as well as submitting to Building Control for approval.


JAT-Surv can be on hand to offer site inspections and liaise with fellow professionals such as Engineers, Building Control and Contractors to ensure the build is undertaken in accordance with the drawings and specification.

For full information and costs or to arrange a meeting please email